See what our clients have to say about our staff and services by reading some of the testimonials they sent. If you like to share your experience in working with us, you are more than welcome to send your testimonials.

3 responses to “PARENTS TESTIMONY”

  1. (This testimonial below is not only an alumnus, but a parent of one of our young scholars, and a Summer Camp instructor.)


    Describe Kingman in 3 words.

    “Engaging, resourceful, unique ”

    Why do you believe Kingman Boys & Girls Club is different from other Out-of-School Time programs?

    “KINGMAN is a community/family vibe responsiveness to the needs of children and youth the reaction members have when they see an old friend generational connections These are some of the unique qualities that create special moments for the youth and families of Kingman.”

    What’s your favorite part about Kingman?

    “As a parent and an alumni, I can honestly say my favorite part about Kingman is that I get to share a part of my childhood with my son. While he only attends the program during holiday breaks and during the Summer, he has developed a sense of friendship and confidence that grows and grows. I truly LOVE how he looks forward to participating in activities and playing with the peers he’s made over the past few years.”

    What is one of the most valuable things that you took away from your time at KBGC?

    “Community, Connections, and Collaboration ”

    What was your favorite part of Kingman?

    “My favorite part of Kingman was the forever friendships that I developed over the years. I still know and share my life with many of the friends I made while attending Kingman. I, most of us, literally grew up at Kingman. Between the ages of 5 and 13 is a long time to share, support, engage, and be involved with others. We had the opportunity to grow, but we also had the opportunity to be young, gifted, and inspired by positive role models and peers.”


    How did you find your way to your current (or previous) role at Kingman?

    “I am an alumnus of KBGC and also a parent. I had some ideas and the time to contribute to the Boys & Girls Club. So, I presented my ideas, shared my experiences, and utilized my skills to help the club. As they say, the rest is history. I worked at Kingman for a few years in the past, but accepted a position and joined the DC Public Charter School system. However, I returned to Kingman in 2022 as a Language & Literacy Instructor and the Book Club facilitator (ages 5-8), and also as the Journalism Club facilitator (ages 9-12).”

    Could you share a few details about your favorite part of your role as an instructor and the team at Kingman?

    “It’s the ah-ha moments that students get when information begins to click/come together when I’m instructing. I know that the days are long and Kingman is supposed to feel different from school. So, I work hard and am committed to providing experiences that pull the scholars in that helps them remember key concepts and keeps them engaged.”

  2. (This testimonial below is a parent of an 11-yr-old scholar who currently attends the program.)

    Describe Kingman in 3 words.

    “Guidance, Monitoring, and Supportive. ”

    Why do you believe Kingman Boys & Girls Club is different from other Out-of-School Time programs?

    “I believe Kingman has a strong focus on community involvement, working closely with local families, schools, and organizations to create a supportive environment for children.”

    Can you describe a time that Kingman Boys & Girls Club helped you?

    “Kingman has helped my family numerous times. I can recall one situation when my son’s school was out for a holiday break and Kingman was open from 8 am to 5 pm for the children to attend the program. Kingman being open on that particular day gave my child a safe place to attend and I did not have to miss work.

    What is your favorite part about Kingman?

    “My favorite part about Kingman Boys & Girls Club is the convenience for working parents, like me, who need childcare beyond regular school hours; allowing them to balance their work and family responsibilities more effectively.”

    What impact has Kingman had on your child?

    “During my son’s time at Kingman, he has gradually started to build meaningful friendships, gain confidence in his abilities, and learn how to effectively communicate and collaborate with others. My son has begun to open up about his challenges and insecurities, and with the support of the caring adults at KBGC, he has started to overcome obstacles and set personal goals for himself.

  3. (This testimonial below is from a parent of 2 scholars (9 and 10 years old) who currently attend the program.)


    Describe Kingman in 3 words.
    “Safe Haven, Fun, Family oriented ”

    Why do you believe Kingman Boys & Girls Club is different from other Out-of-School Time programs?
    “Kingman is different from other out-of-time school programs because it gives the children a variety of experiences, and it offers many resources to not only the children but the families as well.”

    Can you describe a time that Kingman Boys & Girls Club helped you?
    “Kingman has helped me by helping my children excel in core subject areas (math and reading). They provide fun enrichment activities during the summer to keep students progressing at their grade level or excelling above their grade level. My children have been above grade level all school year (’23-’24 SY).”

    What’s your favorite part about Kingman?
    “I love that Kingman is still around and my children can attend a program that helped me throughout my childhood and my academic learning.

    What impact has Kingman had on your child(ren)?
    “Kingman has made a big impact on my children’s learning because the staff creates fun, educational learning experiences and helps them when school is out during the summer to maintain or exceed grade-level expectations. My children LOVE attending Kingman.


    What is one of the most valuable things that you took away from your time at KBGC?

    “I am grateful for the academic skills and continuous support that the Club provided me during my time in elementary, junior high, and high school. Even after I graduated, I took those skills and support with me. Kingman was my first job, and I will always be thankful for the opportunity and the experiences working there gave me. ”

    What was your favorite part of Kingman?

    “Growing up I loved everything about Kingman from going on field trips to the enrichment activities and special events and programs we would have on site.”

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